Test the Cluster

STOP Please note: this EKS and Karpenter workshop version is now deprecated since the launch of Karpenter v1beta, and has been updated to a new home on AWS Workshop Studio here: Karpenter: Amazon EKS Best Practice and Cloud Cost Optimization.

This workshop remains here for reference to those who have used this workshop before, or those who want to reference this workshop for running Karpenter on version v1alpha5.


The CloudFormation stack created the EKS cluster using Terraform using the EKS Blueprints for Terraform.

Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that lets you build, change, and version infrastructure safely and efficiently in AWS. EKS Blueprints for Terraform helps you compose complete EKS clusters that are fully bootstrapped with the operational software that is needed to deploy and operate workloads. With EKS Blueprints, you describe the configuration for the desired state of your EKS environment, such as the control plane, worker nodes, and Kubernetes add-ons, as an IaC blueprint. Once a blueprint is configured, you can use it to stamp out consistent environments across multiple AWS accounts and Regions using continuous deployment automation.

Update the kube-config file:

Before you can start running all the commands included in this workshop, you need to update the kube-config file with the proper credentials to access the cluster. To do so, in your Cloud9 workspace run the following command:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --region ${AWS_REGION} --name eksspotworkshop

Test the cluster:

Confirm your Nodes, if we see 2 nodes then we know we have authenticated correctly:

kubectl get nodes 


You now have a fully working Amazon EKS Cluster that is ready to use!

Explore the Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) section in the AWS Console and the properties of the newly created EKS cluster.

You might see Error loading Namespaces while exploring the cluster on the AWS Console. It could be because the console user role doesnt have necessary permissions on the EKS cluster’s RBAC configuration in the control plane. Please see this re:Post article on how to update the aws-auth ConfigMap.