Using the Cloud9 Environment

STOP Please note: This workshop version is now deprecated, and an updated version has been moved to AWS Workshop Studio. This workshop remains here for reference to those who have used this workshop before for reference only. Link to updated workshop is here: Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Workshop.

AWS Cloud9 comes with a terminal that includes sudo privileges to the managed Amazon EC2 instance that is hosting your development environment and a preauthenticated AWS Command Line Interface. This makes it easy for you to quickly run commands and directly access AWS services.

An AWS Cloud9 environment was launched as a part of the CloudFormation stack (you may have noticed a second CloudFormation stack created by Cloud9).

You’ll be using this Cloud9 environment to execute the steps in the workshop, and not the local command line on your computer.

  1. Find the name of the AWS Cloud9 environment by checking the value of cloud9Environment in the CloudFormation stack outputs.

  2. Sign in to the AWS Cloud9 console.

  3. Find the Cloud9 environment in Your environments, and click Open IDE.

    Please make sure you are using the Cloud9 environment created by the workshop CloudFormation stack!

  4. Take a moment to get familiar with the Cloud9 environment. You can even take a quick tour of Cloud9 here if you’d like.