
STOP Please note: this EKS and Karpenter workshop version is now deprecated since the launch of Karpenter v1beta, and has been updated to a new home on AWS Workshop Studio here: Karpenter: Amazon EKS Best Practice and Cloud Cost Optimization.

This workshop remains here for reference to those who have used this workshop before, or those who want to reference this workshop for running Karpenter on version v1alpha5.

If you’re running in an account that was created for you as part of an AWS event, there’s no need to go through the cleanup stage - the account will be closed automatically.
If you’re running in your own account, make sure you run through these steps to make sure you don’t encounter unwanted costs.

Removing the CloudFormation stack used for FIS

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name $FIS_EXP_NAME

Cleaning up HPA, CA, and the Microservice

cd ~/environment
kubectl delete hpa monte-carlo-pi-service
kubectl delete -f monte-carlo-pi-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f inflate-arm64.yaml
kubectl delete -f inflate-amd64.yaml
kubectl delete -f inflate-team1.yaml
kubectl delete -f inflate-spot.yaml
kubectl delete -f inflate.yaml

aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name monte-carlo-sim --force

Removing the cluster, Managed node groups and Karpenter pre-requisites

cd ~/enviroment/eksworkshop
terraform destroy --auto-approve

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name karpenter-workshop
aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --stack-name karpenter-workshop

If you get any error while running this command, perhaps it might be caused because the name you selected for your cloud9 environment is different from karpenter-workshop. You can either find out and replace the name in the commands with the right name or Use the console to delete the environment.